Sacré Mormont!

MCAH _ Musée cantonal d'archéologie et d'histoire de Lausanne

exhibition design

Enter into the intimacy of these ancient cultures through the discovery of this site, follow the analyses and reconsiderations of the archaeologists year after year, through objects and photographs, and enter a labyrinth of suggestions. It's a rule that once you've entered the labyrinth, you'll grasp its principles, visualise its openings, venture into it, progress along its winding path, along its forks, dead ends and false trails.





  • contexteMCAH
  • vitrines satellites© MCAH
  • tunnel des fosses©catnuss
  • laboratoire© MCAH
  • vestiges à la loupe© MCAH
  • imaginer le Mormont© MCAH

  • contexteMCAH
  • vitrines satellites© MCAH
  • tunnel des fosses©catnuss
  • laboratoire© MCAH
  • vestiges à la loupe© MCAH
  • imaginer le Mormont© MCAH
