Dialogues insolites - petites histoires BioDivertissantes

Bibliothèque de la cité - Muséum

Exhibition Design

The Natural History Museum and the Geneva School of Comics and Illustration (ESBDI) are joining forces with the Cité library to offer you a combined look, both scientific and artistic, on the issues of local biodiversity.

Scenography of the 15 chosen animal species and 15 original stories imagined and drawn by the students who dialogue with the scientific issues of the Museum such as the causes of the erosion of biodiversity, the disappearance of habitats and the modification of natural spaces by the hand of the man.





  • introductionCatnuss
  • écrevisses américain et à pattes rouges© Catnuss
  • frelons Européen et Asiatique© Catnuss
  • compactus Museum@ Catnuss
  • Le Silure - écrevisses© Catnuss
  • Chevêche d' Athéna© Catnuss
  • table de lecture des Comics© Catnuss

  • introductionCatnuss
  • écrevisses américain et à pattes rouges© Catnuss
  • frelons Européen et Asiatique© Catnuss
  • compactus Museum@ Catnuss
  • Le Silure - écrevisses© Catnuss
  • Chevêche d' Athéna© Catnuss
  • table de lecture des Comics© Catnuss


